ALERT For Dropping Cloud Bases And A Period Of Dense Fog On Northerly Upslope Flow Along And North Of The High Knob Massif-Tennessee Valley Divide Monday Evening Into Early Tuesday
Developing rain, with a chance of thunder, will give way to an influx of colder air by Monday evening into early hours of Tuesday with dropping cloud bases.
Northerly upslope flow will lower cloud bases to generate dense fog at elevations around and above the elevation of the Town of Wise. Caution is advised for reduced visibility from late Monday into early hours of Tuesday.
Very Dense Fog_University Of Virginia’s College At Wise
Please use extreme caution for greatly reduced visibility through this morning (Tuesday).
Freezing fog, with riming, is expected at elevations above 3000-3300 feet.
European Model 850 MB Temp-Wind Flow Forecast_Friday_March 29, 2019
A changeable spring weather pattern is featured for the final days of March into early April, with a huge temperature fluctuation expected from unseasonable warmth to unseasonably cold air.
European Model 850 MB Temp-Wind Flow Forecast_Sunday_March 31, 2019
The late March-early April setting will bear close watching with high latitude blocking. This will generate the potential for a large storm system.
European Model 500 MB Height Anomalies_Sunday_March 31, 2019